What We are Doing

God willing, it is our goal to start collecting items to donate that we purchase for little to no cost by using coupons.

We have three groups of people who are involved:

1) Buyers
2) Coupon Savers (who don't have to even clip since nowadays coupons are archived online)
3) Distributors/People in Charge of Donation

InshaAllah, this blog will serve all three groups of people as follows,

1) It will aid buyers by providing information on what deals they should be looking for during any given week and how to maximize their savings.
2) It will update coupon savers on what to coupon inserts to be looking for each week in the newspaper circulars and which coupons will need to be printed (coupon websites usually limit the number of coupons that can be printed from any computer to two).
3) It will motivate all involved by keeping record of what we've been able to donate.

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