For your CVS shopping, it is often beneficial to have an item or two that is free after coupon. These items will help you to reach a higher total, which is perfect when you have a $ off coupon. Right now, there is a
$2/10 coupon available to anyone (and there is no limit on the number of times you can print this coupon) and you might have received another $ off coupon in either your email from CVS or on the end of a receipt.
Free after Coupon items: - Clean and Clear trial size $.99
- $1/1 any Clean and Clear from the 8/3 SS
- Almay Facial Cleansing Bar $.99
- $1/1 any cosmetic Almay item from the 8/3 SS
- $1/1 any cosmetic Almay item from the 9/14 SS
- Johnson's Buddies Soap (these are priced from $.99 to $1.19)
- $3/3 any Children's Motrin, Children's Tylenol, Desitin, Johnson's Buddies, Johnson's Shampoo Or Conditioner, Or PediaCare from the 9/14 SS
Note, if you are buying free after coupon items and the value of the coupon is higher than the purchase price, the coupon will beep for the last item you buy. For example, if you are buying three Clean and Clear trial size items at $.99 each using three coupons, the first two coupons will go through without a problem, but the third coupon will beep. The coupon will have to be adjusted accordingly by the person at the cash register.
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