How to Shop at Rite Aid

Generally speaking, the deals at Rite Aid are more straightforward than at CVS, but less abundant since the limit for all SCR purchases is one.

  1. Be part of the system:
    Deals at Rite Aid work through a rebate system, called Single Check Rebates (or SCRs). You'll need to sign up to be a part here.

  2. Know the system:
    The items that generate SCRs vary week to week and are featured in the weekly Rite Aid circular that is distributed with the Sunday newspaper. These circulars can also often be found at the front of the store on a display when you walk in. After you make a purchase with the appropriate SCR generating items, you will return home with your receipt. Once home, you'll sign into your SCR account and enter the appropriate information from your receipt. At the end of every month, you'll sign into your account to request your check.

  3. Work the system:
    Much like at CVS, you'll want to purchase items that generate as much (if not more) money in SCRs than you have spent out of pocket.

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